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星空app最新版下载app|诺基亚周三推新手机 CEO迎来重要考验

点击量:232    时间:2024-09-26
  本文摘要:When Nokia Corp. launches a new series of devices running Microsoft Corp.s new Windows 8 software, Chief Executive Stephen Elop wants to send a clear message: We have clearly put our best efforts, our best engineering, best innovation and intellectual property into these products.当诺基亚公司(Nokia Corp.)公布配备微软公司(Microsoft Corp.)操作系统Windows 8的系列新手机之际,诺基亚首席执行长埃洛普(Stephen Elop)期望表达出有的具体信号是:似乎我们对这些产品尽了全力,投放了最杰出的技术人员、最篮的创意和知识产权。

When Nokia Corp. launches a new series of devices running Microsoft Corp.s new Windows 8 software, Chief Executive Stephen Elop wants to send a clear message: We have clearly put our best efforts, our best engineering, best innovation and intellectual property into these products.当诺基亚公司(Nokia Corp.)公布配备微软公司(Microsoft Corp.)操作系统Windows 8的系列新手机之际,诺基亚首席执行长埃洛普(Stephen Elop)期望表达出有的具体信号是:似乎我们对这些产品尽了全力,投放了最杰出的技术人员、最篮的创意和知识产权。With the claim, Mr. Elop is betting the Finnish company can again put out products that once made it the dominant handset maker in the world. Some of the things youll see [Wednesday] youll look at and say wow, this has clearly been years in the making, its wonderful work - this is the thing that Nokia has always been known for.埃洛普这样谈只不过是在开玩笑,赌这家芬兰公司可以再度发售一度使其主导全球手机市场的产品。

他说道,你们将在周三看见部分产品,并且赞叹道:哇哦,这似乎是筹划多年的结晶,太棒了!而这正是诺基亚崭露头角的显然所在。The comments, made during an interview Tuesday in New York, come at a time when the market has become deeply skeptical about Nokias prospects. Losses have mounted under Mr. Elops watch, and credit ratings have been dumped to junk status. Nokias market cap is now just $10.5 billion, with shares trading 70% lower than they did when he took the helm. 埃洛普是周二在纽约拒绝接受专访时说的上述这番话,而此时市场对诺基亚的前景已感到猜测。诺基亚在埃洛普的掌理之下亏损不断扩大,信用评级已降到垃圾级,公司市值目前也仅有为105亿美元。与埃洛普接掌诺基亚时比起,该公司股票已下跌了70%。

With Mr. Elops two-year anniversary at the helm approaching, his most recently launched smartphones - the so-called Lumia series - have yet to attract the desired interest from consumers. Now, Nokia also faces the prospect of greater competition from rival Samsung Electronics Co., which surprised the industry by slipping ahead of Nokia last week and announcing its own Windows 8 phone. 埃洛普兼任诺基亚首席执行长已快两年,而该公司近期公布的Lumia系列智能手机所更有到的消费者注目还没超过预期目标。如今,诺基亚面对着与输掉三星电子(Samsung Electronics Co.)竞争激化的前景。

上周,三星电子赶在诺基亚之前发售了自己的Windows 8手机,令其业界深感车祸。Mr. Elop dismissed the threat from Samsung, saying the South Korean company threw in a Windows phone at the end of a series of announcements, demonstrating a lack of commitment to the Microsoft platform. 埃洛普或许并不在乎来自三星电子的威胁。

他说道,这家韩国公司是在公布了一系列产品之后才抛Windows手机,这指出他们并没坦率对待这个微软公司操作者平台。But Mr. Elop says that the full force of Nokias RD has been poured into the new Windows 8 phones. That sends a very different message than Samsungs. 埃洛普说道,诺基亚对自己的Windows 8新手机投放了全部研发力量。他说道:从这一点上看,我们表达出有了与三星电子几乎有所不同的信息。

Samsung didnt respond immediately to a request for comment. 三星电子没立刻恢复置评拒绝。Nokia once led the handset market but has failed to keep up with phones built by Apple Inc. or powered by Google Inc.s Android software. Earlier this year, Samsung replaced Nokia as the worlds top seller of mobile phones. 诺基亚曾是手机市场的领跑者,但在苹果公司(Apple Inc.)的iPhone以及配备谷歌(Google Inc.)操作系统安卓(Android)的其它手机问世后,诺基亚被竞争对手甩到了后面。今年早些时候,三星电子代替诺基亚,沦为全球排名第一的手机销售商。The phones to be introduced on Wednesday are the second generation of Windows devices for Nokia. Investors, particularly on Nokias home turf, are growing restless with the slow-moving turnaround and will be closely watching to see if the new phones catch on in the marketplace. 诺基亚将于周三发售的手机是该公司第二代Windows手机产品。

投资者(尤其是芬兰国内投资者)对于诺基亚如期没能扭转局面更加烦躁忧虑,他们将紧密注目该公司本次发售的新手机否能取得市场注目。Most of our 10,000 members own Nokia shares, and there is a lot of disappointment with the company and its management, said Timo Rothovius, chairman of Finlands Shareholders Association for small investors. People are especially disappointed with Stephen Elop. 芬兰股东联合会(Finlands Shareholders Association)主席罗斯维尔斯(Timo Rothovius)说道:我们共计1万名会员,其中绝大多数都持有人诺基亚股票,他们对于该公司及其管理层都有很多反感,对埃洛普特别是在沮丧。If the new phones dont sell, Mr. Rothovius said his group will push for Mr. Elops removal. 罗斯维尔斯说道,如果诺基亚这次发售的新手机买得很差,芬兰股东联合会将力主让埃洛普辞职。

Finns owned 24% of Nokias total shares at the end of June this year, up from 16% before Mr. Elop announced his new strategy in early 2011. 截至今年6月底,芬兰投资者持有人诺基亚24%的股份,而埃洛普2011年初宣告新战略之前,这个比例是16%。The value of those shares has taken a beating, losing nearly three-quarters of their value since Mr. Elop took over in September 2010. The company has piled up billions of losses, and its credit rating has been slashed to junk status. 自2010年9月埃洛普离任以来,诺基亚股票的市值遭遇重创,下跌了近四分之三。诺基亚已经常出现了数十亿美元亏损,信用评级也被上调至垃圾级。Mr. Elop joined a company that was failing to compete in the smartphone market and which had grown bloated and slow. The move to team up with Microsoft was designed to get new smartphones to market quickly, which Mr. Elop accomplished in under a year. 埃洛普加盟诺基亚时,这个公司已从智能手机市场的竞争中败下阵来,机构的组织散漫致使,公司快速增长较慢。

而诺基亚之所以与微软公司合力,原意就是将新的智能手机很快推向市场,这个目标埃洛普已在一年内构建。One cant blame Mr. Elop for the difficult task he has had to carry through, said Christian Elfving, director of the Sigrid Juselius Foundation - which owns a 0.2% stake in Nokia. Many of the measures have been unpleasant, but they also have been absolutely necessary.基金会Sigrid Juselius Foundation的董事埃尔夫文(Christian Elfving)说道,无法因为埃洛普必需已完成的这项艰苦任务而责备他,虽然他采行的很多措施都令人不悦,但毕竟意味著有适当采行的。




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