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星空app:投资规模比肩美国 中国脑计划预计年底出台

点击量:969    时间:2024-10-04
  本文摘要:China plans to launch its own version of BRAIN, or Brain Research through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies, by the end of this year, said Muming Poo, director of the Institute of Neuroscience at the Chinese Academy of Sciences.中国科学院神经科学研究所所长蒲慕明近日回应,中国计划在今年年底之前发售自己的“脑计划”,即“通过推展创新性神经技术展开脑研究”的计划。

China plans to launch its own version of BRAIN, or Brain Research through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies, by the end of this year, said Muming Poo, director of the Institute of Neuroscience at the Chinese Academy of Sciences.中国科学院神经科学研究所所长蒲慕明近日回应,中国计划在今年年底之前发售自己的“脑计划”,即“通过推展创新性神经技术展开脑研究”的计划。The China Brain Project has been in planning for three years and is now included as a key science and technology project of the 13th Five Year Plan, Poo revealed.蒲慕明透漏,中国“脑计划”早已筹划了三年,目前已被列为“十三五”规划根本性科技项目。In 2015, Chinese scientists proposed targeted research into the neural basis of cognitive function, with the additional goals of improving diagnosis and prevention of brain diseases, and driving artificial intelligence research through computing and system simulation.2015年,中国科学家明确提出就理解功能的神经基础进行针对性研究,其他目标还有提高脑部疾病的临床和防治,以及通过计算出来和系统模拟前进人工智能研究。Poo said Chinas investment in the project would be equivalent to the amount allocated for the US BRAIN initiative announced by the Obama administration in 2013, and that China would encourage private capital participation.蒲慕明回应,中国“脑计划”的投资规模将与2013年奥巴马政府宣告的美国“脑计划”的经费数额非常,中国将希望民间资本参予其中。

Scientists believe the China Brain Project would increase understanding of the reasons behind Alhzeimers, depression and other diseases, and also provide a huge boost to the development of artificial intelligence in China.科学家们指出,中国“脑计划”将不会加剧对阿尔海默症、抑郁症和其他疾病背后病因的解读,同时也不会很大地增进中国人工智能的发展。The Chinese Academy of Sciences kicked off its Mapping Brain Functional Connections (MBFC) project in 2012 to focus on the analysis and simulation of the connectome pathway and network structure of specific brain functions.2012年,中国科学院启动了它的脑功能连结图谱计划,以探讨特定脑功能的相连组路径和网络结构的分析和建模。



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