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点击量:740    时间:2024-10-12
  本文摘要:The music industry has opened a new front in its dispute with YouTube, as the three largest labels allege that the Google-owned video site’s filtering technology fails to identify enough unlicensed content. 音乐行业在与YouTube的争端中修筑了新的战线,三大唱片公司指控这家谷歌(Google)旗下的视频网站的过滤器技术没能辨识充足多的未许可内容。

The music industry has opened a new front in its dispute with YouTube, as the three largest labels allege that the Google-owned video site’s filtering technology fails to identify enough unlicensed content. 音乐行业在与YouTube的争端中修筑了新的战线,三大唱片公司指控这家谷歌(Google)旗下的视频网站的过滤器技术没能辨识充足多的未许可内容。YouTube’s free video site has grown into the world’s biggest streaming music platform, attracting more listeners than Spotify and Apple Music combined. YouTube的免费视频网站已茁壮为全球仅次于的流媒体音乐平台,更有的听众人数多达了Spotify和Apple Music之和。It is due to negotiate new licensing deals this year with Universal Music Group, Sony Musicand Warner Music Groupbut relations between the company and the labels and artists that provide much of its video content have soured. 该网站今年要与环球音乐集团(Universal Music Group)、索尼音乐(Sony Music)和华纳音乐集团(Warner Music Group)谈判新的许可协议。然而,它与获取许多视频内容的唱片公司和艺人之间的关系早已好转。

UMG, Sony Music and WMG have claimed in submissions filed to the US Copyright Office that Content ID, YouTube’s signature content recognition technology, was unable to identify all unlicensed tracks that had been uploaded. 在递交给美国版权局(US Copyright Office)的情况解释中,环球音乐、索尼音乐和华纳音乐声称,YouTube标志性的内容辨识技术Content ID没能发现所有上载的未许可音轨。Content ID was created by YouTube as a mechanism to identify illegally uploaded music and then give rights holders the chance to either block it or make money from it. But the labels say too much music is slipping through the cracks. Content ID技术是YouTube创立的一种机制,其目的是辨识非法上载的音乐,然后让版权所有者有机会打压该音乐或借此赚。




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