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点击量:697    时间:2024-10-16
  本文摘要:Chinese smartphone maker Xiaomi is set to sign off on a $1bn loan in the next few days, securing funding from 29 banks as it looks to accelerate its overseas expansion中国智能手机制造商小米将在接下来的几天内定案一笔10亿美元的贷款,从29家银行取得融资。

Chinese smartphone maker Xiaomi is set to sign off on a $1bn loan in the next few days, securing funding from 29 banks as it looks to accelerate its overseas expansion中国智能手机制造商小米将在接下来的几天内定案一笔10亿美元的贷款,从29家银行取得融资。该公司于是以谋求加快扩展海外市场。The list of lenders for the three-year loan stretches across continents, with global investment banks including Deutsche Bank and JPMorgan joining Banco do Brasil, Malaysia’s Maybank and ICBC Asia, the offshore arm of China’s largest bank by assets.这笔贷款期限为3年。

贷款人遍及各个大陆,还包括全球性投资银行,如德意志银行(Deutsche Bank)和摩根大通(JPMorgan)、巴西银行(Banco do Brasil)、马来西亚的马来亚银行(Maybank)以及中国按资产计算出来仅次于银行的海外分支——工行亚洲(ICBC Asia)。Others include Barclays, ANZ, Credit Suisse, ING and Hong Kong-based lenders Wing Lung and Hang Seng Bank.其他贷款人还包括巴克莱银行(Barclays)、澳新银行(ANZ Bank)、瑞信(Credit Suisse)、荷兰国际集团(ING),以及总部坐落于香港的永隆银行(Wing Lung Bank)和恒生银行(Hang Seng Bank)。The diverse mix is partly designed to build local banking relationships in markets targeted by Xiaomi for expansion, according to two people familiar with the matter.根据两名知情人士的众说纷纭,小米之所以自由选择从这么多家银行融资,部分原因是为了在其无意扩展的市场与当地银行创建关系。

The loan will be split evenly into two $500m tranches: a term loan and a revolving credit facility.这笔贷款将分成两大块:一笔5亿美元的贷款和一个5亿美元的循环信贷额度。Beijing-based Xiaomi is one of the stars of China’s homegrown technology sector.总部坐落于北京的小米是中国本土科技行业的明星企业之一。

Founded in 2010, the unlisted Xiaomi has become the top smartphone seller in China, according to data by Canalys, the research group. Its shipments grew 240 per cent year on year in the second quarter, reaching 15.1m units.创立于2010年的小米目前还未上市。根据市场研究机构Canalys的数据,小米早已沦为中国智能手机销量第一的制造商。今年第2季度,小米的出货量同比下降了240%,超过1510万部。



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